It most certainly can BUT, you will need good coaching and a lot of personal study on the subject before you go wild with the weights. If you don't do the proper exercises, you could end up overdeveloping the wrong muscles, and end up looking like a football linebacker ... not especially attractive for a girl.
Use of the word curvaceous in a sentence:The venue of Miss world competition is full of curvaceous young women.
Curvaceous means having an attractively curvy figure. So this could be for a mountain, for a body, for hills or for slopes.
it was a curvaceos event
Body Building: You excersise and eat healthy while Weightlifting Weightlifting: You excersise, but eat anything you want while weightlifting.
The German word for weightlifting is Gewichtheben.
One compound word that can be made with "weight" is "weightlifting." This compound word combines "weight," referring to a heavy object used for exercise, with "lifting," the action of raising something upwards. In weightlifting, individuals lift heavy weights to build strength and muscle mass.
Getting headaches from weightlifting happen for a couple of important reasons. First off, you must make sure to properly breathe throughout your workout. Unstable breathing or incorrect breathing can be fatal to the amount of oxygen your brain and body have access to. A second thing to make sure of is that when weightlifting you aren't straining yourself. Excess strain from lifting too heavy of weights can really put your body into unhealthy and damaging conditions. Overall, make sure you are drinking plenty of water and following the standard weightlifting health standards.
It means curvaceous, slightly plump even.
The lightest one of weightlifting is feather weight.
Turkey Weightlifting Federation was created in 1956.
European Weightlifting Championships was created in 1896.
Not all non-black men do so and some black men will call a more curvaceous woman fat. It depends on the guy and what he perceives to be too heavy in his own eyes.