A Really Dumb Person!! hahahah
It's played when you're sitting up tall, have your hand in the bell and your other hand on the keys while the bell rests on your lap.
he is right handed witch means he writes with his right hand.
It's so that the player can adjust tone and tuning by placing his/her hand in the bell.
No, they are not immature for teens. My teen daughter has a lepoard one and she loves it! All of her friends wish they had one. If you want to buy one, just go to Amazon and type (Animal) hat with hand pockets
Ringing a hand bell requires mechanical energy, which is the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy involved in moving the bell. When you lift the bell and release it, the potential energy stored in the raised position is converted into kinetic energy as the bell swings back and forth, producing the ringing sound. The energy required to ring the hand bell is proportional to its mass, the height it is lifted, and the speed at which it is released.
'Big Ben' does not have an hour hand, it is a bell.
If you relly want to know then burn yourself. :)(:
use ur hand lol yea it sounds dumb but it really helps
I have seen onions that weigh a pound each, on the other hand there are smaller ones that that are 5-6 to the pound.
hold w then is stops moving its hand hope it helps.
Placing your hand on a bell that has just been rung stops the sound because it absorbs the vibrations that are causing the bell to resonate, effectively damping the sound wave. This reduces the sound energy being transmitted from the bell to the surrounding air, resulting in a quicker dissipation of sound.