

A neutral grip would be thumbs up?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: A neutral grip would be thumbs up?
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Did thumbs up or down mean the gladiator would die?

Thumbs down means die, up means mercy

What did thumbs up mean in roman time?

The thumbs up in Roman times meant the opposite to that of today. The crowd in the arena would signal to the victorious gladiator that they would have him kill his opponent. A thumbs down was that the opponent should be spared.

What was the roman emperor's role at the colosseum?

He (or she) decided if the gladiator would live or die with a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

How could a gladiator ask for a crowd decision?

A gladiator didn't have the authority to "ask". He would simply pause when he had subdued his opponent, look at the audience and the Emperor and receive a thumbs up or a thumbs down. "Thumbs up" his opponent lives. "Thumbs down" his opponent dies.

In a roman coliseum if you get a thumbs up do you die?

No, the thumbs up signal was the mercy sign. A thumbs down of a thumbs turned was the death signal.

What is the alt code for thumbs up?

Alt+7 = Thumbs Up

When was Two Thumbs Up created?

Two Thumbs Up was created in 2012.

A pronated grip would be palms up?


Why do Texas a m aggies do the thumbs up sign?

They do the thumbs up sign because they rock!

What is an example sentence for the idiomatic expression 'thumbs up'?

This phrase means that something has approval. Here are some sentences.She got a thumbs-up from her boss, so she went ahead with the project.That movie got a thumbs-up from the critics.I give that book a thumbs-up; you should read it.

What did thumbs up and thumbs down mean in gladiator?

The thumbs up mean that if you are in the position to kill someone it means let them go and don't kill them Actually, that is wrong. It is a common misconception that the thumbs up meant the person would be spared. A thumbs up really meant to kill them.

How do you make a text message for thumbs up?

t('_'t) BAHAHAHAH.. Not thumbs up.. But it's Sumthing else..