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Medical science is currently unable to predict eventual height with any certainty. The premise of how tall a person should be at a certain age is purely speculative, so it cannot be said that anything "hurt" some anticipated but unfounded expectations of growth.

It is known that Weightlifting, if done properly, does not stunt growth.

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Q: A 15 year old boy suppose to be 6 feet tall is only 5'8. Did lifting heavy weights hurt growth?
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Can people stop growing taller by lifting weights?

People do not stop growing by lifting weights. It was believed that weight lifting damaged the growth plates and stunted growth. It CAN happen, but only with very heavy weights, such as sets of 3-5 reps. They say no one should do HEAVY weights until they are 18, or fully grown.

Does lifting 40 pounds at 13 affect your growth?

Lifting 40 pounds at the age of 13 can affect your growth. It can cause a persons muscles to become weakened later on. The age of 13 is too young to be lifting heavy weights.

Will lifting weights help you get stronger?

if you wanna get strong you should lift heavy weights, heavy weights gives strength and big muscle's, low weights gives fit/slim body

Does heavy lifting stunt your growth?

Heavy lifting will not stunt your growth. Your growth depends mainly upon eating a good diet. Smoking cigarettes is known to stunt the growth of a child, mainly because it reduces appetite and so leads to an inadequate diet.

Why do body builders wear belts when they work out?

Wearing a belt while lifting weights is essential to prevent any problems with your back. It also supports your back while lifting heavy weights. It would be foolish to try to attempt to lift heavy weights without one.

I'm Eleven and I'm quite tall and strong. I want to do weights but Im afraid I'll stop growing. Is it ok to lift weights when your eleven?

I'm 13 and I've been lifting heavy weights for a year and it hasn't stunted my growth so you will be fine

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Lifting shorts are good when lifting weights because they provide the lifter with protection and support from injuries. They are a good idea to have when doing heavy lifting.

Does lifting weights for half an hour a day stunt growth in height?

No. It's an urban legend that weight lifting stunts ones' growth. Dumbells wil certainly not do anything to affect your growth. If you ever attempt heavy squats (not dumbells), it's important to have proper supervision: poor form could result in an injury to your back, which might ostensibly stunt your growth. Barring an injury, however, you can do whatever lifting you like and not hurt your growth.

Which early American leader in physical education believed that lifting lighter wooden weights and using higher repetitions was more beneficial than lifting heavy metal weights?

Dio lewis

Is lifting weights bad?

No. This is one of the things that is commonly misunderstood about lifting heavy weights. Lifting weights is not bad. There are people that squat four times their body weight and they have never been injured badly. If you do exercises with proper form, you will be able to gain muscle without injuring yourself.

What device is used for lifting heavy weights by the application of a much smaller force?

hydraulic ram

What does derrick mean?

A derrick is a kind of crane for lifting heavy weights. Usually found on ships.