I have 2.2 DTi Frontera diesel can anyone where the OIL PRESSURE SWITCH IS ?? rifinlay@btinternet.com. 01968674186
Depends on the vehicle and tire size. -Check at your tire store, this is not something you should guess.
You can buy a Vauxhall Frontera from a Vauxhall dealer or second hand from a used car dealer or privately from individuals in classified ad magazines and websites.
A used Vauxhall Frontera Sport can be found on Auto Trader. Auto Trader has many Vauxhall Frontera Sports in different epuipments, so you can find 3DR or 5DR and so on.
2 bar 30psi
Vectra 2.0 diesel
my heater switch on my vauxhall frontera as just stopped working but we can feel slightly heating coming through
The correct tire pressure for a Vauxhall Astra 1.4 liter engine is approximately 32 psi. Ensuring the correct tire pressure is used on the vehicle we help the tread life of the tires as well as the overall performance of the car.
You can view a Vauxhall Frontera in any Vauxhall showroom. It may be possible to explore the different vehicle options and take the car for a test drive.
It should tell you the pressure on the tire. I usually put my pressure between 33 and 35 psi.
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