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The 1953 Lincoln was the first car that had a rear window defroster. It also was the first car to have an optional 4 way power seat.

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Rohit Bhati

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First car with a rear window defroster was by

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Bob Fairchild

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Q: What car had the first rear window defroster?
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Is there a connection between the car heater and rear window defroster?

2 different units and different wiring systems.

What car device changes electrical energy into heat?

Electrically heated seats, wing mirror defrosters and rear window defroster.

How does a rear window defroster work?

If you are talking about those lines (sometimes red in color) on the rear window of a car then this is a simple explanation: All that happens is that when you press the button that is responsible for the defrosting action, it heats up those lines. The energy comes from the cars battery. As the lines heat up the defrosting occurs.

Car parts that start with w?

· windshield washer pump · water pump · window defroster · windows

What are some car parts that begin with the letter R?

The radiator, radio, rag top and the rear-view mirror start with R.More parts that start with R are the rear window defroster, reverse light, rims, roof, roof rack and the rotary engine.

How does someone get rear window graphics for their car?

Rear window graphics for a car can be purchased at many places. Target and Walmart offer a limited amount of graphics. Etsy is a great places for unique rear window decals.

How do you repair the rear defrost on a Oldsmobile Alero 1999 if the fuse and relay are OK and there is no break in the elements but there is no voltage at the corresponding fuse?

I read on another site that there is a junction box behind the panel between the rear door and the rear window. The wires in this box should be soldered to reestablish a good connection. Haven't seen or tried it. Just something I read. Good luck I also read the following: "For those of you with problems with your rear defroster not working and all the fuses are good there is a piece of electronics that connects to the rear antenna and the rear defroster that melted in my car and caused the defroster not to work. If you sit in the back of your car on the passenger side behind the plastic by your head there is a black box that connects everything if its melted replace it and everything will be working again."

What are some examples of Haiku about cars?

fast and convenient I use it to get around my car is my friend a rear defroster hubcaps and windshield wipers aspects of my car

Where is the fuse location for the rear defroster on a 1997 ford escort?

Fuse box under the hood on the driver side of the car

What is the back window called on a car?

It is simply referred to as the Rear Window, unlike the Windshield.

If the radio and air conditioner and rear window defroster stopped working on 1995 contour what would be the cause?

it may be your alternator or your battery. Whenever those "unneccesary" gadgets go out first it usually signals low power going into your car. When your vehicle notices it has low power going in, it tries to kill as many extras your car is using as possible. Hope this helps!

Where is the rear window defogger fuse on a 2004 trailblazer LS?

in the rear of the car maby?