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Polo pescatarian? Please...why don't you just say "I don't eat red meat!" To answer the question, if you eat chicken, you can eat turkey. I assume the "polo" refers to poultry, and turkey is a bird.

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Q: If you're a polo pescitarian can you have turkey?
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What is a polo-pescitarians?

Someone who follows a vegetarian diet with the exceptions of fish and pork products. hello, i am a polo-pescitarian and i would like to say that the answer above is very incorrect....we have a saying that goes "fins and feathers" so we do eat fish aswell as chicken turkey and sea food....we do NOT eat pork..or cow..ect. simply fins and feathers

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Yes, you can eat eggs if you're a pescitarian, as pescitarians tend to only not eat meat.

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I think that it is pair of pants.Hope this helps!

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You only eat fish and chicken what is that called?

I suppose you would call them polo-pescitarians. If you only eat fish you're just a pescitarian. They would definitely not be vegetarian as eating any meat (including fish as it's an animal) invalidates that. Hopefully you don't just eat fish and chicken.

Did marco polo invent marco polo?

No Marco Polo did not invent the game Marco Polo.

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