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Q: Did the Scots invent golf
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When was golf invited?

Golf was invented in the 15th century by the Scots

Who created golf?

The Scots created it

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What did Scotland invent?


How are Mary queen of Scots and golf related?

Mary Stuart, Queen of the Scots, lived in the 16th century. During the 16th century the game of golf was very popular Scotland. Mary was an avid golf player. See further details in the links.

When did haggis macgregor invent golf?

in 1824

Who is the first people play golf?

The generally-accepted "home of golf" is Scotland, and the Scots are typically viewed as the inventors of the game.

Does Scotland have any popular sports?

Most Scots love football (soccer) and golf

Who invented the game golf?

Mary Queen of Scots. She also invented the word caddie or "cadet"

Why are the Chinese so good at ping pong if they didn't invent it?

You don't have to invent something to be good at it. If we use your logic it would mean that only people who invent something can do it or use it. With this in mind that would mean that only the Scottish could be good at golf since golf came from Scotland.

What king popularized the game in England?

King Charles I was responsible for making the game of golf grow in popularity in England. Mary Queen of Scots is the person who helped make golf popular in France.

What is Scotland native sport?

I'd go with golf - invented by Scots and the home of thew world governing body for the sport. In terms of what the most natives play - soccer.