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That is one of the symptoms of EPM. This is a serious neurological issue due to protozoa in the spinal cord and/or brain.

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Q: Why does your horse cross her front legs when she walks?
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Is a horse a guadruped?

Yes, a horse is a quadruped as it walks on four legs.

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Is a horse a quadraped?

No. A quadraped has four legs. A horse has SIX legs. Two legs in the back, and fore legs in the front.

Is there a sign for Ferrari?

YES!!! its a rearing horse(horse with his front legs in the air)

Whats way a horse moves its legs called?

The word isn't specifically for a horse's legs. But the way in which someone or something walks is called a gait.

How do Tasmanian devil move?

It walks or runs, just like a dog or cat walks or runs. Its front legs are slightly longer than its back legs.It walks or runs, just like a dog or cat walks or runs. Its front legs are slightly longer than its back legs.

How do Tasmanian devils move around?

It walks or runs, just like a dog or cat walks or runs. Its front legs are slightly longer than its back legs.It walks or runs, just like a dog or cat walks or runs. Its front legs are slightly longer than its back legs.

Where is the arm on a horse?

technically speaking, a horse has no arms, but four legs. if you want, though, you can call the two front legs arms.

What are the names of the four horse limbs?

fore legs and hind legs. Fore legs are the two front ones.

When will a horse has 6 legs?

Fore legs at the front and two at the back? Sorry I believe the answer is never.

How does a horse get up?

First, the horse will raise his head (if he is laying it down). Then, he will get his front legs up, and his hind legs will follow. I hope this helps!

How do trainers stretch a race Horse's muscles?

You stretch their front legs by pulling them in front of the horse. Then you walk and jog the horse before you gallop to warm up their muscles.