They have a strap that connects to one end of the spur which goes over the top of the boot and attaches to the other side of the spur. These straps are known as spur straps.
How are we going to learn about bull riders
there are 26 bull riders in a contest.
Horse riders wear spurs to make the horse go faster (Foot Item)
The sole purpose of spurs is to act as a leg aid. For riders that have weak legs or horses that tend to be 'dead sided', spurs are a great way to communicate to your horse. Spurs in the wrong hands, however, can do great damage to the horse. Sharp edged spurs should never be used. Small, smooth spurs are all that is needed as an extension of the riders legs and heels.
The cast of Bull Riders Only - 1991 includes: Bob Tallman as Host
Spurs, rowels, off sets, and protection vests, as well as other types of gear are needed by bull riders. Places to buy this gear include Beastmaster Pro Rodeo Equipment, Barstow Pro Rodeo Equipment, Inc. and Rodeo Tech. The vest from Rodeo Tech is approved by PRCA's top riders, so this might be a good place to buy the equipment from.
The common injuries that are suffered from bull riders are head and face injuries. Helmets and faceguards are given for bull riders to wear but are not mandated to wear.
money, belt buckles, occasionally jackets
farmers and bull riders
the bull riders
Both could wear jocks, however the cup is more complex: Bull Riders: No. The cup would not help, and due to the angle that the bull would hit the cup, it could be more painful. Rodeo Clowns: Yes, many to wear cups. Bull riders would only get hurt in their sensitive area after they are thrown from the bull and if one of the bull's hoofs would come right down on their sensitive area. This is very unlikely. However, it is probably something that bull riders fear a lot.
As far as I know, they're called Bull riders.