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Q: Who is the administrative head of cabinet secretariat?
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Who is the chief administrative of the secretariat?

I am asking you

Who is in charge of cabinet secretariat?

The minister for parliamentary affairs

Administrative center of the European Council?

The General Secretariat of the Council

Who is the head of secretariat and how he appointed?

Balke moti is the head of the secretariat and he is appointed by general assembly.

What is another word for Secretary?

Secretariat, Administrative Assistant, Personal Assistant.

The Secretariat of the United Nations __________.?

is responsible for the administrative work of the UN and is headed by the Secretary General(A+)

What is an Administrative Head?

An administrative head is the head of an administrative department. The exact duties will depend upon the organization they are with.

Who is the head of UN Secretariat?

Balke moti

Who is the head of the cabinet in Pakistan?

The 'Prime Minister' is the head of the cabinet in Pakistan. The current head of the cabinet of Pakistan is, Nawaz Sharif.

What is the secretariat?

The office of a secretary; the place where a secretary transacts business, keeps records, etc.

Application form for junior administrative assistant guwahati secretariat?

U can find the form and the advertisement as well in

Who is the administrative head of panchayat-samiti?

The Block Development Officer is the administrative head of Panchayat Samiti.