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The great Seabiscuit was owned by Charles Howard ,a self made millionaire.Howard made his fortune selling automobiles,and after the death of one of his sons,and ensuing divorce,he turned to horse racing.His trainer,Tom Smith,found the smallish horse and convinced Howard to buy him.It was rough going at first,but Smith and Seabiscuit soon began to roll.Seabicuit beat triple crown winner War Admiral in a match race,and was forever remembered as one of the great thoroughbreds.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Seabiscuit was raised at Clairborne Farm in Paris, Kentucky. He was owned by Gladys Mills Phipps.

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Seabiscuit's original owners were Secretary of the Treasury Ogden Mills and his sister Gladys Mills Phipps. Charles Howard purchased Seabiscuit from them.

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What was seabiscuits jockeys name?

actually seabiscuit had 2 jockeys. the main jockey was red Polard. but sense red got injurned twice (once in his arm and ribs, the second in his leg) charles howard (seabiscuit's owner) had to call in a second jockey. this jockey was named George (the iceman) Woolf. the last race that seabiscuit ran (he won) red polard was his jockey. hoped the answer helped!

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