No, Classical Dressage and Dressage does not have an age limit. I've heard of one Olympic Dressage rider who still performs in his 80s! So you can have Classical Dressage or Dressage as a career as long as you are healthy and physically fit.
Dressage dates back to the 15th century as defensive manuvers in battle. What we think of as beautiful horsemanship was originally war tactics to give armies an advantage over the enemy.
No dressage is not timed
it is a dressage move
Jane Kidd has written: 'A festival of dressage' -- subject(s): Dressage 'Practical dressage' -- subject(s): Dressage
There are no "dressage horses" but some breeds are used for dressage more than others,, e.g. you would probably use a warmblood rather than a cob. But basically, a dressage horse is a horse that does dressage :)
Their are 18 competitive levels in dressage
FrisiansThoroughbredsAny horse can be used for Dressage.
Either youtube or at your local dressage stable
gallop is not performed in dressage tests.