Macy's, Kohls, JCPenny, and Boscov's all carry Jockey brand underwear. Jockey also maintains their own website with a web store included. The underwear is also available at shopping sites including Amazon and Woot.
To purchase a pair of jockey shorts, one could go to the nearest underwear or clothing shop. Even general food stores or other kinds of stores usually have jockey shorts up for sale.
Jockey's briefs and boxers can be purchased online, or at a number of brick and mortar retailers. They can be found at Kohl's and Macy's, or online through Amazon or through Jockey's own website.
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One can purchase underwear at any clothing retailer. One can purchase underwear at their nearest clothing retailer in the underwear section of the store.
There are many places online where one can purchase Under Armour underwear. Walmart's website allows customers to purchase this underwear and will ship it to their home.
There are many places online where one can purchase underwear for kids. One can purchase underwear for kids at popular on the web sources such as eBay, Target, Walmart, and Old Navy.
There are many places where one would be able to purchase BVD underwear. One would be able to purchase this brand of underwear on sites such as Sears or JCPenney.
One can purchase baby underwear from many different stores and retailers. Some examples that sell baby underwear include Target, Cafepress, and Walmart.
There are many places where one could buy some Bonds underwear. The best places to purchase Bonds underwear would be places like Walmart, Target, and Kmart.
One can purchase Rips Underwear from many online websites. There are some for sale on Amazon, ABC underwear, and Skiviez. Bizrate even compares prices from different stores.
Men's thermal underwear and more specifically long johns can be readily purchased online from companies such as Jockey Asda and Amazon. 'Outdoor' shops on the high street also sell thermal wear.
There are no well known sites that sell this underwear. However, there are some offer sites, such as iOffer, that have offers for Gianmarco underwear on them.