

Where are worms ears?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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I'm pretty sure worms don't have ears. They don't really need ears since they spend time underwater or in the ground where its hard to hear anything.

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Q: Where are worms ears?
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in the ears of corn

Do worms have a strong sense of smell?

No, worms do not have a nose,ears,or eyes. They only have a mouth and a butt!

How worms get into ears?

you would have to put one into your ear

What animal has no ears?

Snakes do not have visible external ears. They do have internal ears which are connected to their jawbones, allowing them to sense vibrations and low-frequency sounds.

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worms don't have noses at all!they hardly have eyes,ears, and mouth!there's something amazing-they have 5 hearts!5haerts!

When your ears have being pierced and you dont wear earrings in do you get worms in your ears?

No. I don't see how that's at all possible unless you physically put them there, which i doubt you would.

Worms cannot see or hear true or false?

True. Worms do not have eyes or ears, so they cannot see or hear in the way that humans or other animals can. They rely on other senses, such as touch and vibrations, to navigate their environment.

What does it mean to dream about worms falling from the sky?

This dream brings to mind the silly song about worms sung by pre-pubescent kids to make one another squirm. Worms coming out of one's nose suggest rot and decay. Other than the entertaining "ick" factor - which could be the sole purpose of the dream - there could be a real life situation in which the dreamer is expected to accept "rotten" information.

Do worms have faces?

Yes. Worms that come from underground do have two heads. If you look close, you can see it moving two different directions.Absolutely not. Worms have only one head. Earthworms do not (can not) move in two directions at once.To clarify: by 'head' I mean the part of the body with a mouth and brain.

How do gases move in and out of an earthworm?

Earth worms have and mouth and an anus. They can take in food or nutrients and defecate it out at the same time. Just like humans (but is not recommend). Worms also have no eyes, ears or nose so they cannot see, hear or smell. Worms do however, have light-detecting cells on their bodies that can detect harmful light conditions. The ultra-violet rays of the sun are harmful to worms - they can even kill them, that is why worms spend most of their time underneath the surface of the ground.

What worms can live inside the human body?

Flatworms such as tape worms and flukes, and roundworms such as trichinosis-causing worms, filarial worms, ascarid worms and hook worms.

Are meal worms real worms?

Meal-worms are actually beetle grubs - NOT worms.