He is 11 years old. He was born on 17th march 1999
mark johnstone, he was 36 years of age and was born on the 12th of june.
Gisli Alfredsson was born on January 24, 1933.
Fritz the Horse was born in 1907.
Michael Horse was born in 1951.
Oliver Mark was born in 1963.
Mark Beeson was born in 1962.
Mark Stephenson was born in 1976.
Mark Stemmler was born in 1960.
Mark Gorenstein was born in 1946.
Mark Chai was born in 1954.
Gandalf is much older than Bilbo no matter how you count it. Bilbo Baggins was born in the year 2890 of the Third Age. Gandalf, in his current form of an old man, arrived in Middle-earth in the 11th century T.A.; but he himself almost certainly was already there before the physical world was created.