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Q: What were the four colour teams in Chariot Racing?
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In ancient Rome what did they wear whilst chariot racing?

The chariot drivers wore tunics in the colors of their teams. The four main colors were the Blues, the Greens, the Whites and the Reds.

A Roman racing chariot was pulled by how many horses?

Drivers from all over the empire participated in chariot racing, but to get into the "big time" they first had to be noticed in some way by the owners of the four main racing factions. These factions were the Whites, the Reds , the Blues and the Greens. These four racing clubs or factions were the major league of chariot racing with their avid fans and followers.Drivers from all over the empire participated in chariot racing, but to get into the "big time" they first had to be noticed in some way by the owners of the four main racing factions. These factions were the Whites, the Reds , the Blues and the Greens. These four racing clubs or factions were the major league of chariot racing with their avid fans and followers.Drivers from all over the empire participated in chariot racing, but to get into the "big time" they first had to be noticed in some way by the owners of the four main racing factions. These factions were the Whites, the Reds , the Blues and the Greens. These four racing clubs or factions were the major league of chariot racing with their avid fans and followers.Drivers from all over the empire participated in chariot racing, but to get into the "big time" they first had to be noticed in some way by the owners of the four main racing factions. These factions were the Whites, the Reds , the Blues and the Greens. These four racing clubs or factions were the major league of chariot racing with their avid fans and followers.Drivers from all over the empire participated in chariot racing, but to get into the "big time" they first had to be noticed in some way by the owners of the four main racing factions. These factions were the Whites, the Reds , the Blues and the Greens. These four racing clubs or factions were the major league of chariot racing with their avid fans and followers.Drivers from all over the empire participated in chariot racing, but to get into the "big time" they first had to be noticed in some way by the owners of the four main racing factions. These factions were the Whites, the Reds , the Blues and the Greens. These four racing clubs or factions were the major league of chariot racing with their avid fans and followers.Drivers from all over the empire participated in chariot racing, but to get into the "big time" they first had to be noticed in some way by the owners of the four main racing factions. These factions were the Whites, the Reds , the Blues and the Greens. These four racing clubs or factions were the major league of chariot racing with their avid fans and followers.Drivers from all over the empire participated in chariot racing, but to get into the "big time" they first had to be noticed in some way by the owners of the four main racing factions. These factions were the Whites, the Reds , the Blues and the Greens. These four racing clubs or factions were the major league of chariot racing with their avid fans and followers.Drivers from all over the empire participated in chariot racing, but to get into the "big time" they first had to be noticed in some way by the owners of the four main racing factions. These factions were the Whites, the Reds , the Blues and the Greens. These four racing clubs or factions were the major league of chariot racing with their avid fans and followers.

What are the four colures of the chariot racing?

the fiur colours were: RED BLUE SILVER AND GREEN

What was the collective name for the four ancient sporting tournament in Greece?

The PanHellenic games is the collective name for four separate sports in ancient Greece. Those four games included Chariot Racing, boxing, Wrestling, and various foot races.

How many men competed in a chariot race?

Chariot racing was performed throughout the Roman Empire and Republic, and before. Countless numbers of men participated.In the Byzantine period, when the races were important to the cultural and political life of the Western Roman Capitol, Constantinople, there were four competing teams and one man would race for each of the teams:White,Blue,Red,GreenSome were more popular than others, and people supported the teams rather than a charioteer; when a charioteer switched teams, a person would not carry on supporting them.

What is so important about chariot-racing?

Chariots are important because they helped people in ancient times get from place to place. Also they were used in circuses(arenas in ancient rome and shows in them) for the entertainment of others.

Can NASCAR racing teams have more than 3 drivers?

Yes, they can. Racing teams usually consist of one driver per race team. But they can have multiple drivers race each of their cars during the season. If you mean teams per owner, there is a four car team limit in place. That is the most Nascar will allow.

Colours of roman chariot teams?

Originally their was just two factions White, and Red, but when the games became more developed their were four, Red, White, Green, and Blue.

Does Hades have a chariot?

Hades' chariot is black, and drawn by four coal black horses. He does indeed have one.

Who could race in chariot races?

In order to participate in a chariot race one had to be a member of a team. Rome had four teams, the Reds, Whites, Blues and Greens. It's unclear as to exactly how many entries each team could have in a race, or if the various teams raced against each other in a single race or in a matchup.

What type of racing do four wheelers do?

Quad racing

Do Romans still chariot race?

About the only resemblance Roman chariot races and our horse races have today is the betting on the outcome. True we have harness racing where one horse pulls a cart, but the horse has to be controlled, that is, he has to run at a pace or a trot. The Romans, however, had rather light weight racing chariots pulled by (usually) four horses and they ran at breakneck speed four times around the circuit.