22 pounds... the largest heart ever recorded in a Thoroughbred horse.
His heart was over twenty pounds, as compared to the normal nine pounds for a thoroughbred race horse.
Big Red
Lucien Lauren
Messina is young
His his Kentucky Derby record was 1:59
2 mins 24 secs
Usually, Ron Turcotte. But Ed Maple rode him at Woodbine.
The Pure Weight of the Heart has 357 pages.
248 feet
Most horses hearts are about 8 to 8.5 pounds, or less then 1% of their body weight. Some breeds have heavier/ larger hearts.Arabians have a heart around 7.6 to 8 pounds or 0.76% of their body weight.A draft horse's heart is smaller by proportion and is about 0.6& of their body weight, so a 2,000 pound draft would have a 12 pound heart.Thoroughbreds tend to have heavier/ larger hearts on average with the typical one weighing about 10 pounds, though some famous Thoroughbreds have been found to have relatively heavy/ large hearts. Secretariats heart was about 22 pounds, Shams was 18 pounds, Eclipse's was 14 pounds, Phar Lap's heart was also 14 pounds.
The Pure Weight of the Heart was created on 1998-06-29.
The size of your heart is aprox. the same size as your fist. The weight might depend on your age.