He raced 21 times. Won 16, came in second three times, third once. He finished out of the money in his first race, finishing fourth, and that is why it is not included. Must be top three.
Secretariat, 2:24 flat. Won by 31 lengths.
He won in a world record 2:24 flat, by 31 lengths.
UGA's won loss record in the 2006 season was 9-4.
Randy Orton's win loss record is that he won 198 times and loss 106 times
Secretariat won the 1973 Belmont Stakes in world record time of 2:24 flat, by 31 lengths. The race is one and one half miles.
Secretariat's winning time was 2:24 flat, a figure that most experts agree may never even be approached. The margin of victory was 31 lengths.
Secretariat won the 1973 Belmont by 31 lengths in 2:24 flat.
No..Three have won, Regret, Genuine Risk, and Winning Colors, but none have broken the record. The record is 1:59 2/5ths, set by the mighty Secretariat in 1973.
Secretariat won the Triple Crown of horse racing in 1973.
Notre Dame's won loss record in the 2007 season was 3-9.
That would be his won/loss record.
This and all the rest of the stats can be found at www.kentuckyderby.com