Are you asking about this Terry Biddlecombe (b. 2 February 1941) was formerly a popular English national hunt jockey in the 1960s and 1970s.
What are the names of terry deary brothers and sisters are
Terry Cousin's birth name is Terry Sean Cousin.
They are not brothers, but there maybe some distant relation in the Fox family tree.
Terry Kuebler's birth name is Terry Flanagan.
Terry Fox Middle Name Was Terry:)
Terry Kovel's birth name is Terry Horvitz.
Terry Botwick's birth name is Terry Alan Botwick.
Terry Hoeppner's birth name is Terry Lee Hoeppner.
Terry Barr's birth name is Terry Albert Barr.
Terry Maratos's birth name is Terry James Maratos.
Terry Schmidt's birth name is Terry Richard Schmidt.
Terry Robiskie's birth name is Terry Joseph Robiskie.