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balance, competance, beign able to learn and adapt quickly, paitence depends on the horse really
Well, I Barrel Race, I compete in Rodeos so I should know.

Here are 10 IMPORTANT tips.

1. You have to be pageant.

2. You have to have concentration.

3. You have to be relaxed.

4. You can not get mad cause you don't know how to ride.

5. You can not scream.

6. You can not kick the horse to hard or to soft.

7. You have to feel close to the horse your riding.

9. You warm up your horse before anything.

10. You can not yell at the horse.

There are more rules, but I do not want to name them.

Make sure you know a lot about horses before you ride them!

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Q: What skills do you need to ride a horse?
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Do you need reins to ride a horse yes or no?

Not necessarily, no. All you need to ride is the horse.

How do you ride on a horse properly?

you need to have balance to ride a horse and grip.

How do you properly ride a horse?

you need to have balance to ride a horse and grip.

What skills do you need in order to become a horse trainer?

You need to be able to proficiently work with horses safely/efficiently, and proficiently ride horses. You need time and money management. You need knowledge of training methods, horse psychology, and horse anatomy/health.

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You need all the nerves in your body to be able to ride a horse and ride it well.

You are 1.38m tall how big must the horse be for you to ride it?

For that you would probably need to ride a 13hh pony to 15hh horse.

How old does a horse need to be before you ca ride then?

they need 2 be 3 before u can ride them.

Do you need your own horse for horse riding lessons?

It depends where you ride. If you are having lessons at your house then yes you will probably need your own horse. But if you are going to a riding centre then usually you will not need a horse of your own.

How do you get saddle in the harvest moon magical melody?

They have saddles? If they do, you don't need one to ride your horse. You have to wait until it has two hearts before you can ride it (plus it has to be an adult). I never encountered a saddle. ,':|

In harvest moon magical melody Wii how can you get stars on the horse?

All you have to do is ride your horse long enough and you'll gain a star. You will need to ride your horse for many hours to get it to ten stars.

How do you ride a minicher horse?

you ride a minichre horse like someone would ride any other horse

How many stone do you have to be to ride a horse?

I've seen alot of fat people ride horses and in depends how heavy the person is and how tall the horse is and how much it can carry and you need to know if the horse has any back problems