Well, they say nobody is better then Secretariat. He is considered the best racehorse that ever lived. He's the best athlete ever.
And there's a lot of horses better then Phar Lap. There's Citation, Man O War, Dr. Fager, Seattle Slew.
she is a decendant of carbine as is phar lap carbine is the greatest racehorse in history
Phar Lap
Phar Lap was a famous New Zealand bred
This nickname belongs to Phar Lap.
That would be Phar Lap
Phar Lap was so special because he was he was like the best racehorse ever!!!!!!!! he carried loads of weight while racing, and he broke like a billion records PHAR LAP IS AWSOME
Phar Lap
A steeplechaser
He was an American thoroughbred named Secretariat (1970 - 1989) as was the first American Triple Crown champion in 25 years. His name derived from the horse being a large chestnut
Phar Lap He was born in Australia and one of Australia's most famous horses.
Yes Phar Lap was. Also here is some info-Phar Lap won the Melbourne Cup in Australia in 1930 his jockey was Jim Pike(weight-60kg)and his trainer Harry Telford Phar Lap and Jim Pike ran there race at Flemington race course were all the Melbourne Cups are held.
It is for a school project, why is Phar Lap so important to New Zealand, and why is there a huge argument over Australia "stealing" Phar Lap. Any answers on why Phar Lap is important to New Zealand would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.