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A sulky. (plural)- Sulkies.

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Q: What kind of cart does a trotting horse pull in a race?
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Related questions

What does cart-horse mean?

"Cart-horse" is a term that can be used to refer to a horse that is specifically bred and trained for working in carts or carriages. It may also be used figuratively to describe someone who is strong or hardworking but lacks finesse or agility.

Can a horse pull more or push more in a harness?

does a horse pull a cart with the harness, or does a horse push the cart with harness from the front

Can a falabella pull a cart?

Yes they can typically pull a small dog cart type horse cart.

Is a horse pulling a cart are forces?

There are three forces that are exerted on the horse cart system. They are: weight, pull, and friction.

How much can a miniature horse pull in a cart?

A single miniature horse can usually pull one or two fully grown adults in a cart by itself. Any more than that and you should add another mini to help.

If action is always equal to reaction then how can a horse pull a cart?

Even though the cart is pulling on the horse with the same force that the horse is pulling on the cart, the weight of the horse, the way it runs, versus the way wheels move, all add up to make the sum of forces on the system move in the direction of the horse.

How many tons of gold 2 children and 1 horse pull on a cart over mud?


What is used to hold a horses head uncomfortably high?

normally people in a show make the horses head high but neck arched but horse and cart , horses heads have to be high to pull the cart

What animal can pull the cart?

Usually Horses can pull heavy loads....It depends on how heavy the load is really....It if was luggage, a horse could do the job!

Do horses pull carraiges or push from the front?

A horse obviously cannot grasp a towing conveyance, so in order to move an object it needs the assistance of a horse harness. In the case of the harness, the horse pushes forward to move the cart, however basic physics define this as pulling the cart. Yes, the horse is pushing forward, but it is pushing the harness, NOT the cart. The cart is being PULLED by the harness with the horse providing the energy to move the cart. Some mistakenly believe this means the horse pushes the cart, but they are mistaken. With the weight of the cart (mass) being moved forward (force) from behind the energy source (horse), by definition the cart is being PULLED, regardless of the horse's type of energy exerted on the connecting harness.

What is the horse called that pulls carriages?

Various horses pull carriages, it is not one set breed. Though in general we see cold-blooded (heavyset) breeds such as percherons or belgians.

What is a wheeled horse-drawn cart?

A wheel is a round thing that allows vehicles to roll along the road.A horse is a 4-legged mammal that people use to ride or to pull wagons and carts. Drawing in this sense means pulling. A cart is a vehicle that can be ridden in, like a wagon.