It is worth what somebody will pay for it. There were approximately $5000 uncashed tickets, some were probably lost. Could speculate that someone might pay up $10,000 for the ticket, but that does not mean it is worth that much. Some people know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Good luck in finding one; they are few and far between, and have not seen to many of them for sale.
It could be anything from £70 - £10,000 it depends on the buyer
If it was in perfect condition it's fake.
Depends of exact version and condition,price for citroen 2cv in perfect condition is up to 15000$
$1.50 in average condition, $5 in perfect condition
Depends on how much it's used, or what condition it is in. Perfect condition: Around $99 Not so perfect condition: anything under $99
In perfect condition, it could be worth somewhere around 160$ or maybe a bit more.
In ORIGINAL perfect condition the value could easily exceed 15,000 maybe even 20,000 but I'd be hard pressed to believe it's original perfect condition without examining it.
6-19-11>>> If your "perfect condition" is uncirculated, it would sell for less than 50 cents.
perfect, flawless, untouched
Being that these are/were military rifles, any example in perfect condition would probably bring in 2K range.
$5 in average condition, $25 in perfect condition
in perfect condition $3500.00