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The race benefits the Kentucky Horse Park and is held on the night that the Horse Park's Southern Lights display is opened to the public. This will be my fourth year in a row running this race. My first year, by the grace of God, I suppose, I somehow won the 20-29 year old women age group, but have finished off the board the last two years. I'm hoping for a decent finish this year.

Regardless of how I do, it's a pretty lovely way to start the holiday season. Last year, it even snowed. Perhaps November 19 seems early to start the holidays, but when I was in law school, it provided a nice little taste of hope and joy.

If you aren't inspired by the thought of holiday lights, they also have a great light display of horses breaking from the gate at Kenneled, and I swear there's a Star Wars light display in there, too.

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Q: What is the thoroughbred that won all but one start's name?
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