They are both units of measurement of distance, but a furlong is a distance equal to 201.168 meters. A fathom is a distance equal to 1.8288 meters. They are often mistaken for the same thing.
They are all measures of distance, length, etc. A mile is the longest (5,280 ft). A furlong is rarely used any more, except in horse racing. It is 1/8th of a mile, or 660 ft. Fathom is traditionally used in things related to sailing- like the depth of water. One fathom is 6 feet.
A fathom is 6 feet in length.
A furlong, chain, fathom, yard, foot, mile, inch are all fractions of a mile.
Inch, hand, foot, yard, rod, fathom, chain, furlong, mile.
0.750 what? Feet? yard? fathom? chains? furlong? mile? league? mm? cm? m? km? light year?
Fathom the difference!
"I do not fathom what you are talking about." "The water is one fathom deep."
It depends on the length that you wish to measure: a mile, furlong, chain, fathom, yard, foot, inch are all possibilities.
One fathom is equal to 1.8288 meters.
Edward Furlong's birth name is Edward Walter Furlong.
Hilary Furlong's birth name is Hilary Antoinette Furlong.
There are 1.8288 yards in a fathom.