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Race mixing is sexual contact between different races and has always been a ( High Yellow) -pun intended if not ( red Line) subject on the morality meters. Very few movies and plays have been done on the theme, but some were ( blockbusters) such as South Pacific ( play, later movie), Pinky, Imitation of Life ( not about Van Gogh) and oddly some war dramas such as the oddly-title Kings Go Forth which featured Natalie Wood as a racially mixed girl. It is still a ( High yellow) topic.

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14y ago

it is when a black woman and a white man (or a black man and a white woman) have a baby because there is a black race and a white race!!

Its when any race is mixed with another race by having a child. The child then having been mixed with whatever tha mother and fathers races are.

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Is race mixing bad?

No, race mixing is not bad. Love and relationships should not be limited by someone's race or ethnicity. It is important to embrace diversity and respect individuals for who they are.

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The concept of "race mixing" as a sin is not supported by all religious beliefs. It is important to promote love, respect, and acceptance for all individuals, regardless of their race. Discrimination and prejudice based on race have no place in a compassionate and inclusive society.

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The Imitation of Life was not about an artist but about Race-Mixing.

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Hans Christian Anderson. His tale is a tragedy and in a sense a sermon-tale against race-mixing.

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Absolutely it shouldn't ! Politics is a minefield as it is - without mixing racial bias into the debate.

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Probably not, they have obviously different racial characteristics. This does not deny the tacky reality of race mixing, which was illegal in many southern states.

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Little Mermaid- which also introduces the race-mixing theme to kiddyland where it does not belong. I thought the South Pacific was the Last Spike- pun intended!

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