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Q: What is it called when you treat a person badly because of their race?
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Would yo say that if you treat a person badly they will treat others badly?

Yes, they will because that would be all that person knows. If you be mean to them, they will carry on that trait.

How did the natives treat Captain James Cook?

Badly because they killed him

Why does this guy treat me so badly?

With only so little detail, I can only answer so far but I will say that if this guy treats you badly that it makes you question it and seeking assistance about the issue then I would probably drop him. It's not worth for you to feel such a way - never is. You should have someone that is a kind, gentle person.

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we should not treat animals badly because they to have a right to live...

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iPods are not evil it is simply the way you are treating them! If you treat them badly they will treat you badly! Treat things how you would like to be treated!

Why do people treat animals badly?

because they have power over the animal. The animals smaller and weaker

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martin was treated badly because of his skin color

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Maleeka Madison was treated badly in "The Skin I'm In" because she was a victim of bullying due to her low self-esteem and physical appearance. The other students targeted her for being different and standing out, which made her a vulnerable target for their cruelty.

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senora moreno treated ramona badly because she wasnt a blood relative of hers. she gave all her love to her son felipe.

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The Dursleys did not treat Harry as their own son because they hated that he was a wizard, Vernon because he was a bigot Petunia because she was jealous, and Dudley because he was raised to treat Harry badly.

How did the British treat Indigenous Australians and were they able to cooperate in the beginning?

they were treated very badly because of their skin colour

Why did the spanish treat the Native Americans so badly and the french did not?

They treated them dIfferently because they had different methods to get them to help them.