To hear the gun shot at the start of the race
Don't start before the gun is shot. Don't cut anybody off if your in a long distance race.
The starter's pistol.
a referee of some sort, or gun, flag waving or the like.
If the gun is stationary before the shot, then the momentum of the gun and the momentum of the bullet are equal and opposite after the shot.
yes it did
It means that you start the race before they tell you to start it! Basicly you cheat it.
Needs to be repaired.
this is a called a triger action, shot gun.
Ofcourse with a whistle or gun shot , but it is not a race it is 100 mts dash. You have to dash ahead right from the start sprinting all the way.
Looking for someone with history of a single barrel shot gun with wells Fargo & co on barrel and four notches also on gun like to know if its from the stage coach era as the shot gun is called coach
No sn required before 1968