a person who is able to hold there body as still and elegant as possible while jumping their horse and/or changing gaits
Equitation Math is Equitation Math Bitchhh Idk why people ask these stupidities BITCHES All of you are nerds
Equitation is judged on how well you completed the pattern given.
in a equitable manner
Equitation or Equine is horses/ the study of horses. Equitation flat is when a rider rides around the arena but doesn't go over any jumps. You are judged on your positioning in the saddle and you are judge on how well your horse moves off your leg and on your transitions.
Equitation is French for horsemanship.
Helen K. Crabtree has written: 'Saddle seat equitation' -- subject(s): American saddlebred horse, Saddle seat equitation
Definition:The skill of riding horses; equitation.
it means a person that does not like himself or herself
Hunt seat equitation is your ability to ride your horse. Being able to post on the correct diagonals, keeping your horse in control, and keeping a good pace, and be able to ride a pattern. In showing you have an equitation class and a showmanship class. Showmanship classes are based on your ability to show off your horse while riding. Have them pick up their feet enough so they won't trip, keeping their heads up, staying in control, correct diagonals,putting your horse's nose down, and just make them look pretty. Equitation is based on your riding, Showmanship is based on making the horse look pretty as well as your riding abilities.
They are most likely to be looking at the rider.