Traditionally made of cane but more recently of synthetics and polymers
yes they do
the tail whipping around made the name, that simple.
"The whip is made for whipping foolishly foolish fools spouting foolish nonsense." - Franziska Von Karma
Depending on the recipe, cool whip should in most cases be interchangeable with whipping cream as a lower calorie substitute. Cool whip is an imitation of whipped cream, called "whipped topping" by its manufacturers.
Whip can be a verb or a noun. Verb -- Slaves were often whipped by their owners. -- past tense Noun -- The cattle man cracked his whip.
A whip is when the rider rotates the motorcycle sideways in a "whipping" motion while in the air.
Scorging is a whipping or lashing with a multi-thonged whip.
A whip sound can be replicated by using a percussion instrument called a whip. This instrument produces a sharp cracking sound similar to the sound of a whip cracking.
It is used to whip the horses and inflict pain on the horse during a race so that they will run faster. It often ends up cutting their side and leaving marks.
It is used to whip the horses and inflict pain on the horse during a race so that they will run faster. It often ends up cutting their side and leaving marks.
These high winds are whipping my new trees to death!
Ive heard of some riders who are supposed to do it. I don't have a problem with whipping a horse to make it go faster before or during a race. I'm just not sure if it works.Another answer:An interesting theory comes from a bettor who won't bet a horse, or bet in a horse race when the caveat "No Whipping" is published. He's very clear about where to whip a horse during a race. He doesn't mention whipping a horse before a race.Read more, below.Personal Opinion:Whipping a horse before a race seems to me a little like spanking a child before the child cleans his/her room. It's at least cruel. As to its effectiveness, I'd ask: if the roles were reversed, would you like to be whipped before performing?