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Q: What is a person who takes lead early in a race called?
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What does a protagnotist mean?

Typically, it is a person who takes the lead. Also, a lead performer.

What is the person called who Sings with a band?

the lead (singer)

Why are plumber called plumbers?

From the Latin "plumbum"-lead. A plumber is a person who works with lead. Household pipes used to be made of lead, hence a person who worked on your pipes was a plumber.

Does taking cosmetology or beauty care lead a male student to be a gay?

No. NO one can be "lead to be gay". A person's sexual orientation is fixed at an early age, possibly at birth.

What do you call a person rides a racehorse?

Those would be called the lead ponies.

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you will enjoy it if you are a submissive person like me, i love it when my girlfriend takes the lead in sex. if you dont like it then maybe you're a more dominant person in bed?

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Eric Burden, Lead Vocalist Of The Animals.

What happens when a player lead off a base in little league when bases are loaded and the batter gets a single?

the runner who left the base early is called out.

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Better days (and the Bottom Drops out) by Citizen King

Who should be the corresponding author for this research paper?

The corresponding author for a research paper is typically the person who takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal and readers. This person is often the lead researcher or the one who oversaw the project.

Judaism Name of worship leader or teacher?

The spiritual leader within Judaism is a rabbi. But a rabbi is not a requirement for prayer. Any Jew over the age of 13 can lead a service.Anyone is allowed to lead the prayers. The one who does so is called the chazan.

What do you call a person who files a complaint?

Lead Plaintiff - A person named in the complaint as the plaintiff and who has been determined by the court to be a legally "adequate" person to represent the interests of the class.Besides the "lawyer" who manages a lawsuit, the Lead Plaintiff is the main person.