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Q: What if your horse refuses to run at the start line do you get your stake back?
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A barn sour horse is a horse that becomes reluctant or resistant to leave the barn or return to the barn. This behavior can be due to a variety of reasons, such as anxiety or discomfort when away from the familiar surroundings of the barn. Training and building trust with the horse can help address this behavior.

How do you stop a horse from rebelling?

My horse is rebelling against me. He 1) Bucks at me when I get close 2) Refuses to lunge and 3) Constantly bites All of these are done with his ears back. Please help!!!

If your horse throws a shoe when your ridding what should you do?

if you do not have long to go you can carry on riding if you do i would advise to turn back and call the farrier/blacksmith! ...or you could simply put up a stake andplay horseshoes!

Why should you not start a horse under saddle too young on howrsecom?

It can damage their back and knees

How did dimitri turn back?

Dimitri turned back to a human after being cursed as a beast by breaking the curse with an act of true love. Dickens, the woman he loved, sacrificed herself for him, breaking the curse and transforming him back into a human.

Why should you start riding a horse at 8?

To gain experience! When you grow older, you can say you've already been in horse- back riding and you know the general feeling of riding on horse back. Plus, it's fun! You can also win trophies and go to competitions...have fun!

Does horse have back bone?

Yes, a horse has a back bone.

What animal can die out and then the species come back?

A Mule. A Mule is a mix of a Horse and a Donkey. So they can stop breeding, then over time, the Mule will die out, as so if the Horse and the Donkey start breeding again, the mule will come back!

What is a metaphor in riding freedom?

In "Riding Freedom," the metaphor of riding a horse symbolizes independence, strength, and resilience. Charlotte's ability to ride her horse demonstrates her determination to overcome challenges and achieve her dreams. Just as she controls her horse with confidence and skill, Charlotte takes charge of her own destiny and refuses to let obstacles hold her back.

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Does dimitri stay strigoi?

no, in the 5th book of the series, dimitri turns back. SPOILERS to kill a strigoi you need to have a charmed stake with the four elements. but lissa discovers if you charm a stake with spirit, you can restore a strigoi. but the stake must be driven through the heart by a spirit user itself. so lissa learns how to stake a strigoi and then she stakes dimitri through the heart. dimitri then turns back.

Can you ride a horse that is foundered?

You don't... you wait it out, and help the horse Recover... Dont start riding your horse till the vet or farrier has said that you can start to bring it slowing back it too work. Not hard walk though ( just a short trail ride everyday. if your horse gets sore from you riding it you should stop straight away. but you have too wait till the horse has fully recovered.