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Many breeds of horses are taller (higher) than T-breds. They include almost all of the draft horses, who can easily reach 18-19h. Warmbloods such as the Oldenburg are also often taller.

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Q: What horse is higher than a thoroughbred?
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Is thoroughbred male horse bigger than thoroughbred female horse?

That depends on the pedigree and bloodlines of the horse

How is a Quarter Horse different than a Throughbred?

The Thoroughbred was used in the developement of the Quarter Horse and it is still a big influence in the Quarter Horse industry today. If asked, most people know about the Thoroughbred as the world's fastest breed. But only for long distances. The Quarter Horse is faster than the Thoroughbred for short distances, such as a quarter mile race. Think of the Thoroughbred as a long distance runner as compared to a sprinter, the QH.

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It depends. Sprinting, it might be unless the thoroughbred is bred for racing. then the thoroughbred might win. in a long run, the thoroughbred would win

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The largest racing horse is a thoroughbred. Secretariat is a thoroughbred for example

When was Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society created?

Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society was created in 1906.

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Reagan was a horseman. He had more than one thoroughbred. Maybe the most famous was El Alamein an Arabian. Another famous horse was Tar Baby.

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Ruffian was a thoroughbred racehorse.

Is mare is faster than horse if yes then why?

A mare is a female horse, so a mare could not really said to be faster than a horse. It really depends on the breed and bloodlines. A fit, thoroughbred mare will be faster than a lazy trail horse. A well bred thoroughbred mare will usually beat a male from unknown, inferior bloodlines.

Is a thoroughbred horse a filigree?

Whether or not a thoroughbred race horse a filigree is a matter of opinion. Filigree means delicute or fanciful and whether or not that is how you describe a racehorse is up to you.

How heavy is a thoroughbred horse?

The weight of a thoroughbred horse is dependent upon a number of factors. Some of those factors include the size and age of the horse.

What is the state horse of Maryland?

The state horse of Maryland is the thoroughbred horse.

What does half-thoroughbred mean?

Its a Thoroughbred horse bred with another different breed!