.88tsh is that noraml ref. range of tsh is 0.35-5.5 uIU/ml. if result is 0.88 uIU/ml then it is normal. If result is 88.0 uIU/ml then it is very high.
may be it ref no of engine in short it use for ref on production of engine
l'Ecosse - Scotland
Video Ref (A Screen which displays the result) Camera Angles.
Look it up on the computer
Ref usually means that this dimension (and any associated tolerancing), is specified somewhere else, possibly on a lower level sub-assembly drawing.
ref just ref or you could spell it reff
its the ref no.
order referees so u can love them with all your heart
What does so500 mean on cable
EBA = Emergency Brake Assist (= AFU, Aide au Freinage d'Urgence) REF = Répartition Électronique de Freinage (electronic brake balancing)