Sherbet - a horse that can't lose. Got it from a math worksheet
If the horse scratches prior to the start of the race, the bettor's wager is refunded.
In 1956 to phar lap
course de chevaux is the translation of the phrase. It means horse race in English.
A jockey.
a young thorough race horse of course!
No, that is not true. They may lose a pound or so of water through sweat, but they do not lose 25 pounds.
A horse in a race that is going to win. It is undoubted the horse will win. The horse cannot lose. It is a done deal. Nothing can prevent this event happening.
There is no real word for an injured horse that can't race. Most injured racehorses are either retired to stud / broodmare, retrained as riding horses, or possibly put to sleep.
In Greek mythology, the centaurs are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse.
According to research online, the horse took the lead initially, then the steam engine caught up and took the lead, only to lose the race when mechanical problems ensued.
If the odds of a horse winning a horse race are 2 to 7 then the odds against that horse winning the race are 7 to 2.
Yes, it WAS a race, it is no longer a horse race.