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Q: What do the customary land secretariat do and their challenges in land commiss?
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What is customary tenure system?

what is customary land tenure system

What are the types of land tenure system in Nigeria?

customary,communal and contractual or tenancy land tenure system

How do you value an easement?

The customary way of appraising an easement to is valuate the land as if unencumbered by the easement and the land as encumbered; the difference between the two values is the value of the easement.

What has the author H W J Sonius written?

H. W. J. Sonius has written: 'Introduction to aspects of customary land law in Africa, as compared with some Indonesian aspects' -- subject(s): Land tenure (Adat law), Law and legislation, Land tenure 'Introduction to aspects of customary land law in Africa, as compared with some Indonesia aspects' -- subject(s): Land tenure (Adat law), Land tenure (Primitive law)

What challenges did early vertebrates face when they started to live on land?

The challenges they faced were obtaining resources from two locations, supporting the plant body, a maintaing moisture, and reproducing on land.

What is the oldest laws in the land?

Iroquois Confederacy has customary laws it was govern by Clan Mothers, and formed the basis for the US Constitution.

What are the main challenges indigenous Guatemalans face?

getting their land taken

What challenges did the metis face?

The Métis faced challenges such as discrimination, marginalization, and loss of land and culture due to colonial policies and the decline of the fur trade. They also struggled for recognition of their rights, land claims, and identity as a distinct Indigenous group. These challenges continue to impact the Métis community today.

The law of succession in Uganda is unfair to women?

The law of succession involves customary inheritance of land and property that is routinely passed on to the patriarch of the family.

What is the significance of acre?

An acre is a measurement used in parceling land. It is a customary and imperial measurement. One acre is equal to 43,560 square feet.

What challenges do angora rabbits have to face in nature?

competition with other animals sometimes and for land.

What are three challenges that had to be overcome by vertebrates colonizing land habitats?

There were many challenges that vertebrates had to overcome in order for them to colonize land habitats. Three of the most challenging tasks that vertebrates had was to learn how to eat the food on the land to sustain their energy and nutritional needs, how to breath, and how to defend themselves against predators.