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Q: What did Emily Davison do in 1913 at the Epsom Derby?
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Who walked in front of the king's horse at the 1913 epsom derby?

Emily Davison walked in front of the kings horse in the derby of 1913 to get the right for women to vote as she was a suffragette member.

What did Emily davison do in 1913 at epsom derby?

if you are crazy you wouldknow

Who were some famous people involved in the suffragette movement?

emily davison is a very famous suffragette that threw herself in front of a the kings horse,amner, at the epsom derby in 1913.

Did Emily Davison have a husband?

No, Emily Davison was not married. She was a prominent suffragette who fought for women's right to vote in the early 20th century in the UK. Davison is best known for stepping in front of the King's horse at the Epsom Derby in 1913, which ultimately led to her death.

What year was Emily davison killed?

2010 wooopp ly ma fans love Emily lottie and Katie

Which Suffragette threw herself under the King's horse at the Derby in 1913?

Suffragette Emily Davison

Who is Emily davison?

A_Person">Emily Davison was.... A PersonWho died in a savage attempt to kill herself (this worked). She was killed on June 8th at Derby. She was pulled underneath theKing's horse that the Royal Family traditionaly enter every year.Emily Davison threw herself in front of the kings horse on the 4-6-1913 at the Derby race in Epsom. She attempted to kill herself for publicity of the suffragettes. She did not die during this incident but four days later.

Why was Emily davison important?

Emily Davison was an important figure in the women's suffrage movement in the UK. She was known for her radical and militant tactics in the fight for women's right to vote, including acts like jumping in front of the King's horse at the Epsom Derby. Her actions brought attention to the cause and contributed to the eventual passing of the Representation of the People Act in 1918, which granted some women the right to vote.

Was Emily davison killed on perpuse or by an acidant?

Emily Davison, a British suffragette, was killed in 1913 after stepping onto the racetrack during the Epsom Derby in what was believed to be a protest for women's voting rights. It is unclear whether her actions were deliberate or accidental, as she may have intended to display a flag on the horse or disrupt the race to draw attention to the suffragette cause.

Who was Emily Wilding Davison?

Emily wilding Davidson was the victim/matyr of derby day 1913 were she was killed by the kings horse in June whether she comitted suicide or just meant to stop the horse nobody knows....

Who are some famous suffragettes?

Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst & her daughters, Sylvia & Christobel. And Emily Davison who killed herself under the hooves of the Kings horse in the Derby horserace in 1913.

Why was 1913 a special year for the epsom derby?

I think it was the year a suffraget threw herself in front of the Kings Horse just after Tattenham corner and killed herself.