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Q: What controversies surround the great sculpture known as the sphinx?
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Related questions

Is the great sphinx still a ancient wonder of the world?

Yes, there is a sphinx still standing: the Great Sphinx of Giza. It is the oldest monumental sculpture in the world.

How was the great sphinx constructed?

The Great Sphinx, believed to be the most immense stone sculpture in the round ever made by man, was carved [sculpted] from a huge rectangular bedrock block of limestone.

What huge monuments are a symbol of Egypt?

The three large pyramids, including the Great Pyramid, at Giza, also the site of the famous sculpture, the Great Sphinx.

Was the Sphinx carved out of limestone?

The Great Sphinx, believed to be the most immense stone sculpture in the round ever made by man, was carved [sculpted] from a huge rectangular bedrock block of limestone.

Which is bigger Mount Rushmore or the great sphinx?

The faces at Mount Rushmore are bigger (60 feet each), but the sculpture at Stone Mountain is larger over all, measuring at 90 feet by 190 feet.

What country is the Great Sphinx?

Egypt Was The Great Sphinx

What is in the Great Sphinx?

There is nothing in the Great Sphinx as it is not hollow.

What is great sphinx country?

Egypt Was The Great Sphinx

Is great sphinx is in the France?

No. The Great Sphinx is at Giza in Egypt.

What made the great sphinx disappear?

The great Sphinx is still there, in Eygpt.

Where in Egypt are the three Great Pyramids and the Sphinx?

The Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramids are in Giza, Egypt.

What can you tell me about the pryamids and the Sphinx in Egypt?

Assuming your question is only related to Giza - The 'Giza Necropolis' stands on the Giza Plateau, on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. This complex of ancient monuments includes the three pyramids known as the Great Pyramids, along with the massive sculpture known as the Great Sphinx. The Great Pyramids consist of the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Menkaure. The Great Sphinx lies on the east side of the complex, facing east. The links below give more information.