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Unlike a football field, there are no specified measurements for a bullring. The size usually depends on the funds available to the town or organization constructing it. However, any ring less than 100 feet across would make for a dangerous situation for the participants. The larger the better.

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13y ago

The standard measurements for a barrel racing arena is 130' wide and 200 long.

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Well, professionals have gotten as low as 12 seconds, but it really depends on the arena you are in and the size of the pattern. Some arenas make your time differ as much as a few seconds. A good time in an average arena is about 16 seconds.

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On your first year barrel racing is there anything important to know?

make shur your horse isn't ancie going into the arena also don't were him out to much ... um have anymore questions cuz more should come 2 my mind just write to me plze

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