The dangers are the risk of falling off, being crushed, and trampled. It is a guarantee that if you are a jockey you will break your collar bone at one point in your career.
According to the Kentucky Horseracing Commission, each jockey must wear light/white pants, a tie, a cap and jacket in the owner's racing colors, safety helmet and safety vest, top boots, and the assigned number for that race.
Horse racing
British Horseracing Board ended in 2007.
British Horseracing Board was created in 1993.
British Horseracing Authority was created in 2007.
Fairyhouse is the name of a horseracing track in county Meath, so they have horseracing meetings there.
This question has been rephrased in several ways, one for each distractor, in fact. They were too long to fit in the question.See allowable questionIs_there_subject-verb_agreement_in_Did_you_know_that_a_famous_animal-rights_activist_has_criticized_horseracing_because_of_the_dangers_involved1b. Did you know a famous animal-rights activist have criticized horseracing because of the dangers involved?Subject-verb agreement2a. Peer editing academic papers require critical-thinking skills and diplomacyI didn't quite catch the meaning of your question, but the first sentence is the correct one, as the Subject (activist) and the Predicate (the Verb) are in agreement (singular).Did you know a famous animal rights activistHAScriticized horse-racing because of the dangers involved?subject verb agreementDid you know a famous animal-rights activist has criticized horseracing because of the dangers involved?OrDid you know a famous animal-rights activists have criticized horseracing because of the dangers involved?No. If there was one animal rights activist: "Did you know that a famous animal rights activist has criticized horse racing because of the dangers involved?"subject agreement
he retired in 2008.
Some dangers to hedgehogs are predators, being run over by cars, being attacked by other hedgehogs, having to deal with enviromental temperature, along with enviromental dangers.