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if your horse is old enough and it is a mare you will see at the bottom of you horses page a link that says "find a horse for my mare" click the link and look through the horses and decide which stud you want for your mare (i always try to get the best studs for cheap prices.) if a stallion has reserved a covering for your mare you simply have to click on the stallion's name and it is simple from there. if you have a stallion you have two options: 1. the link that says "cover a mare" or 2. the link that says "reserve a mare" if you choose the link that says "cover a mare" you must pick a price for the covering (i try to do lower prices for the not so good horses and higher prices for the good horse) then your stallion will have to be chosen by another player to cover their mare. if you choose the "reserve a mare" you will have to type the username of a player and you must click the link that says "see his mares" and then choose the mare you wish to reserve the covering for. that is how you breed your horses on howrse.


Answer: Place your horse in an EC with a vet and your foaling fee will be cheaper. It only costs 600e if there is no vet working at the center and they have to call one from out of town.

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13y ago
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14y ago

when both ur horses are 2 and a half years old you click on the male then public coverings set the price to whatever u want because u dont lose money when breedin ur horse with another of ur horses then u go on ur female and select public coverings u find ur stally in the list mine was @ the top u press select and then cover now ur horse should be pregnant and in a year (game time) which is 6 days she should give birth 4 mnths be4 she has it u cn pay 50eq to hav ultrasound and find it's gender wen its time to be born click fetch vet pay 500 to 600eq n u hav ur little colt or filly

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14y ago

if you mean what breed are used for racing? then most race horses have at least a trace of thoroughbred in the genes so mainly Thoroughbred but other mix breeds can be warmblooded, Irish sport horse etc. though they tend not to do as well as the thoroughbreds but are less prone to serious injuries.

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16y ago

you get a thoughrobred mare n a thoughrobred stallion, and breed them together

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10y ago

Selective breeding would ensure that all the racing horses would be of higher quality. Breeders could only breed horses with racing qualities to make race horses.

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14y ago

If you were to breed a long distance thoroughbred racehorse with short distance racehorse you might get a middle distance racehorse

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13y ago

You have to send a private covering form your male to the female.


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Q: What are race horses breed?
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