Pippa Funnel is a very well-known British horse rider. Her horses are Supreme Rocky, Primmores Pride, Walk on Star, Cornerman, Jurassic Rising, Viceroy, Teddy Twilight, Matter of Fact ,and Ensign.
I don't have a clue anyone?
Pippa Funnell was born Philippa Rachel Nolan.
(im a big fan of pippa funnell) but make the question more spesific
Pippa Funnells children are called Lola Rosie and Ebenezer and has 50 horses
She has 12 horses to work with.
i heard it was ellen whitaker dont know if its true though
Pippa is short for Philippa, the feminine form of Philip. It means "lover of horses" or "friend of horses". Pippa is a common name for girls in the UK.
Its your room, your room is partricias old room
She has 12 horses to work with.
Pippa is the pet form of Phillippa; feminine of the Greek name Phillip meaning "fond of horses".
Pippa is usually a nickname for Philippa. The name Philippa is greek and means lover of horses. It is derived from the name Philippos, (same origin and meaning)
Pippa Funnell has had several horses. Some of her more well known S Sir Barnaby, Bits and Pieces, Primmore's Pride and Supreme Rock. To find out more about her equestrian accomplishments and her life, you should read her autobiography, " Pippa Funnell: The Autobiography". There are even some video games starring Pippa!