No. Stephen Collins Foster, author of "My Old Kentucky Home" was born at Lawrenceville, PA July 4, 1826. He lived at Cincinnati, OH for a time, but was living in Pensylvania in 1853 when he wrote the song, "My Old Kentucky Home". He died January 13, 1864 at New York City.
The state song of Kentucky is My Old Kentucky Home.
My Old Kentucky Home was created in 1853-01.
My Old Kentucky Home State Park was created in 1936.
"My Old Kentucky Home" is Kentucky's state song. Next time u wanna know look in a book.
Stephen Foster. He wrote "My Old Kentucky Home" along with many other songs, such as "Oh, Susanna".
in what jentucky city do we find Stephen Foster's, My Old Kentucky Home
The area of My Old Kentucky Home State Park is 951,011.259264 square meters.
The address of the My Old Kentucky Home State Park is: 501 E. Stephen Foster Ave., Bardstown, KY 40004-0323
I know of one - "My old Kentucky Home".
My Old Kentucky Home - 1938 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved USA:Passed (National Board of Review)
Kentucky Derby
Stephen Foster whose song "My Old Kenticky Home" is the official state spmg of Kentucky and was adopted as such on 19 March 1928 by the Kentucky General Assembly. His "Old Folks at Home" is Florida's official state song.