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Yes. Ruffian, a filly, tragically broke down in a match race with Foolish Pleasure. Foolish Pleasure, a colt, had won the Kentucky Derby. The ill-fated "Battle of the Sexes" was held in 1975 at Belmont Park in New York. Jacinto Vasquez was the regular jockey for both Ruffian and Foolish Pleasure. Given his choice of horses for this race he chose to ride Ruffian. Most racing fans agreed with Vasquez's assessment as Ruffian was widely considered the superior horse. To this day Ruffian is recognized as one of the sports all-time greats.

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Q: Was Ruffian in a 2 horse race when he broke his leg?
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Ruffian, the famous American Thoroughbred racehorse, was three years old when she tragically broke down during a match race against Kentucky Derby winner Foolish Pleasure in 1975 and had to be euthanized.

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ruffian da,ruffian and follish plesher together made one of the most famous races of all time"the great match race"they called it "battle of the sexes" because it was boy vs girl but in that race ruffian brock her leg then after the surgery she brock her other leg and couldn't survive another surgery and had to be put to sleep,but she was in front when she brock down by 1/2 a link and ruffian won her first race,first race by 15 links

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The horses' name was Ruffian that shattered her leg and still finished the race, On July 6, 1975, at Belmont Park against Foolish Pleasure. Doctors operated for hours and when she woke from anesthesia she was combative busting her cast and they had to put her down. I remember watching the race and I was devastated!

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There have been many horses that have to be put down because of injuries on the race track. But one of the worst in recent history would be the filly Ruffian. Her leg snapped during a race and champion that she was, she kept running for several more strides until her jockey could get her stopped. It truly was one of the most horrible things I've every seen.

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Like many great and would be great race horses Affirmed had to be euthanized due to leg problems. He Was 26 at the time. Horse's can live from anywhere between 25 and 30 years which means he had a good long life unlike Ruffian who had to be euthanized at the age of 3. Affirmed was a Great Horse and has had many offspring since he had retired.

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How did Kaley Cuoco break her leg?

According to what I read she fell off a horse. The fall wasn't what broke it though. The horse got spooked when she was on the ground and stepped on her leg. It almost had to be amputated because of how bad the break was.