Keeneland Racetrack, Louisville Downs, Horse Farms, Appalachain Mountains, Mammoth Caves, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Lakes Kentucky and Barkley, Kentucky State Horse Park, Kentucky Bourbon Distilleries, Henry Clays home, MaryTodd Lincoln birthplace, Red River Gorge, Kentucky Basketball, The University of Kentucky, Bill Monroe Home, birthplace of Lincoln, Lorretta Lynns’ Birthplace, Metropolis Kentucky (Superman Statue), Riverboats, Ohio and Mississippi River converge near Paducah.
Kentucky Derby, Bluegrass, Mammoth Caves, Fried Chicken are all things associated with Kentucky.
The name of Kentucky is Kentucky.
Mint juleps are the traditional drink of the Kentucky Derby.
Kentucky is known as the Bluegrass state, and Bill Monroe was from Kentucky (his band was called The Blue Grass Boys), that's how it got its name.
Grease Grease
Jimmy Stewart
forget me not flower
mummy tomb pyrimad egypt coffin
Egypt, tomb, bandages, coffin, and pyramid are associated with a mummy.