The horse which won the 1981 Kentucky Derby was Pleasant Colony, ridden by Jorge Velasquez.
Pleasant Colony
The 1981 Derby winner, 'Pleasant Colony', was owned by Buckland Farms, and was trained by John P. Campo.
The 1981 Derby winner was Pleasant Colony ridden by Jorge Velasquez.
Pleasant Colony won the 1981 Kentucky Derby with Jockey Jose Velasquez.
I will assume by "derby" you mean Kentucky Derby. In 1984 the winning horse in the Kentucky Derby was Swale, who was a son of Seattle Slew, the 1977 Triple Crown winner. Swale lost the Preakness, finishing 7th, but came back to win the Belmont Stakes 3 weeks later.
Pleasant Colony
The winning horse of the 1981 Kentucky Derby was Pleasant Colony (1978-2002), as ridden by Jorge Velasquez.
1981 - Horse, Pleasent Colony - Jockey, Jorge Velasquez - Trainer, John Campo - Owner, Campo Buckland Farm - Time, 2:02.00
Dukla Praha were the winner of the Landspokal in 1981.
Hvidovre IF were the winner of the Superligaen cup in 1981.
Tampa Bay Derby was created in 1981.
The AS Monaco was the winner of the Ligue 1 in 1981.