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Black Golds true height is hard to find, but it is known that he was under 15.3 hands high.

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Q: How tall is a black gold horse?
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Related questions

How tall was the race horse Black Gold?

Black Golds true height is hard to find, but it is known that he stood under 15.3 hands high.

Is Black Gold real horse?

Yes, Black Gold was a real horse who won the 50th Kentucky Derby.

What is a fresian?

It is a black horse that is about 15 hands tall at the withers. They have curly black hair and fetlock.

What are the horse colors lightest to darkest?

white grey gold brown black

What does Black Horse's shield look like?

It's light brown with gold

Is there a race horse called black gold?

Yes, it is one of the more infamous ones.

What are the most popular horse names for black horses?

Some good ones Ebony Black Satin Black Velvet After Dark Black Gold Darkness Midnight (popular) Black Beauty (popular)

What is 3 adult names for horse?

Appalachian Gold, Black Hoof Express, Lady Sadie, Arabella's Charm.

What does the horse color Black color look like?

a black horse with a black mane and tail is considered a black horse.

How tall does a male or female horse get?

It depends on how tall the sire and dam are of the horse

How tall of a horse is a 16 hand tall horse?

64 in. or 162.56 cm.

What was the breed of horse was Black Jet?

A Black horse