This wholly depends on how the horse is built. A more narrowly built horse will weigh less than a more bulky wider build horse of the same height. Typically a 14 hand horse will weigh from 800 to 1,000 pounds.
Around 454.5kgs - 5909.1kgs (1,000 - 1,300 pounds)
850 to 900 LBS
you should probably be feeding your horse grain instead of liquids
1412412412 lbs.
every horse does not way the same
As much as a normal lightweight horse, probably in between an Arabian and a Quarter Horse.
1,000 pounds
8.5 kg
Depends on the breed
850 KG
There is no one standard weight for pelleted horse feed. This is due to the size of the pellets, how moist they are and what is in them. Horses should be fed by weight and not by the scoop so it is best to weigh out one whole scoop on a scale to see how much your pelleted feed weighs.