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The fees associated with the 2005 Triple Crown....

$600 early nomination fee

$6000 late nomination fee

$150,000 supplemental Kentucky Derby entry fee

$100,000 supplemental Preakness and Belmont nomination fee

$15,000 to enter

$15,000 to start

So you're looking at a price range between $30,600 and $180,000.

Of course, this is all assuming your horse has enough stakes earnings to make the field. The field is limited to 20 horses, and as of February 1, 2008, there are 488 nominations already. The top 20 horses by stakes earnings are allowed to enter the Kentucky Derby.

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13y ago

it costs owner $600 to nominate a horse by Jan 24. you can still nominate after 1/24, but it costs $6000 until mar 28. after march 28 it costs $200,000. then you pay $25,000 to enter the race and another $25,000 to start ( as of 2009) .

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14y ago

Purse money is paid out to the owners of the top 5 finishers in the Kentucky Derby. In 2010, money was distributed like this: 1st $1,425,200, 2nd $400,000, 3rd $200,000, 4th $100,000, and 5th $60,000. From those winnings owners pay a percentage to the jockey and the trainer, usually in the vicinity of 10%.

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14y ago

Purse money is paid out to the top 5 finishers in the Kentucky Derby. In 2010, money was distributed like this: 1st $1,425,200, 2nd $400,000, 3rd $200,000, 4th $100,000, and 5th $60,000. Prior to 2005, only the top 4 Derby finishers received purse money.

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15y ago

The field is limited to twenty, based on the amount of earnings a horse has. Their starting gate can only accomodate twenty horses, because of the track's width.

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Q: How much does the horse owner get in the Kentucky Derby?
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